Nagalakshmi Palyam
2 min readNov 28, 2020


First Collaborative Android Project

Experience and learning of working on a collaborative project :

Getting to develop Splitwise as our project.Our 4 days task is to make replica of Splitwise app with as many as possible features.At First I was getting excited to do task itself but we faced many cahllenges while implementation especially our mazor challenge is firebase realtime databse.We were alloted a team of four members and four days to develop a complete functioning of Splitwise app.First of all I would like to introduce the main functions of the app, Splitwise is the app which helps keep track of your shared expenses with friends, flatmates, neighbours etc.


  • Our team name Donuts started with the basic layouts of the app and the firebase realtime database at the same time we almost finished the log in and signup part then faced our first merge conflict which was not that hard to resolve with the help of android studio. But as we were new to firebase realtime database we faced challenges with saving the data of each user.


  • The next day we searched through the web for all the answers required to save the data into the Database and could finally resolve the issues faced while saving basic data. And also worked on getting the contact list from the device but couldn’t achieve it in time


  • We realised that we could do that using Room Database as a backup and also keep working on Firebase and we took a decision to do the same.

DAY -4
* Our fourth day and the final day was the most exciting day, as we were close to our deadline, and we needed to present the app to our seniors.

We worked on the basic functionalities of SplitWise IE adding friends and sharing expenses with them and showing the transactions in the new Fragment .

Learning :
* Better communication makes the product better.
* Dividing tasks intelligently saves time and makes the team more productive.
* Learning something new and implementing that opens multiple branches to learn from.
*Developing the basic functions of the app first and then trying for complex things is more empowering and effective for the whole team.

Conclusion :

The final conclusion is that this an experience that made me realise that the things that really works amzingly take a lot of time and efforts to build and the whole team makes it possible.

Team members and their Github ids:

1.Nagalakshmi Palayam : nagalakshmi-palyam

2.Abhinav shukla :abhinavshukla

3.Vaibhav Singh :vaibhavsingh326

4.Mukesh Kumar:Mukeshkumar1699

